DFX Audio Enhancer 9.103

DFX Audio Enhancer - плагин для улучшения качества звучания плееров Winamp, Windows Media Player, Musicmatch, RealPlayer, J. River Media Center. C помощью DFX устраняются два главных недостатка - срез высоких частот и недостаточное разделение стереобазы и ее глубины. Есть хорошая подборка заранее заготовленных настроек, то есть пресетов. Проще его можно назвать как модный расширенный эквалайзер, с настройками, которых нет в плеерах.
DFX Audio Enhancement Features:
- Advanced DSP Sound Enhancement Effects
- Speakers and Headphones Optimization
- Finely-tuned, Customizable Music Presets
- Dynamic Sound Spectrum Analyzer
- Powerful Audio Processing Modes
- Stylish, Shapely Skins
- Space Saving Mini-mode Interface
- Presets Backup and Restore
- Preset Song Associations
- 5.1/7.1 Surround Sound Support
- 64-Bit Windows Support
DFX dramatically improves your digital audio experience with:
- 3D Surround Sound - Immerse yourself inside the music
- Stereo Ambience - renew lost stereo depth High Fidelity Restoration
- Dynamic Gain Boosting - pump up the volume
- Headphones Optimization - Hear more pleasant, natural sounds with headphones
- Customizable Music Presets - Select finely-tuned settings for many styles of music
- Booming HyperBass - produce deep, rich bass sounds
- High Fidelity Restoration - eliminate that "muffled" sound
- Spectrum Analyzer - "See" DFX enhance your sound
- Music and Speech Modes - Get optimized sound for any type of audio
- Customizable Skins - Choose from hundreds of skins

New and improved features in DFX 9:
- Automatic preset selection with associated songs
- Backup and restore personal presets
- 10 band audio spectrum analyzer
- Improved responsiveness and user control
- Gadget style user interface option
- 64-bit Windows support
Скачать DFX Audio Enhancer 9.103 (14,23 МБ):
Bukkollaider 09/04/09 Просмотров: 2975