
CCCP 2013-11-27 Final


Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCP) - набор кодеков, который разрабатывается сразу несколькими группами утилит, занимающимися кодированием/декодированием видео, поэтому должен разрешить любые проблемы, связанные с субтитрами и непонятными (экзотическими) форматами видеофайлов.


В набор входят такие кодеки, утилиты и проигрыватели:

  • FFDShow
  • Haali Media Splitter
  • VSFilter
  • Windows Media 9 VCM
  • Media Player Classic
  • ZoomPlayer Standart

ОС: Win8/Win7/Vista/XP.

Изменения в версии 2013-11-27:

  • As newer CCCP playback packages contain quite a few rather large differences compared to the pre-2012 ones, if you at any point need to grab the last FFDShow-tryouts based release, it, with some minor script-related fixes, is available from here
    • The known issues with the release are also listed here.
    • If you want to try and use FFDShow-tryouts' raw video/audio filters with the new CCCP, see here (WIP)
  • Updated components:
    • LAV Filters
  • General changelog:
    • LAV
      • DXVA2ExtendedFormat colorimetry is now disabled in LAV Video if the Overlay mixer is in the graph, except when LAV Video is connected to a VSFilter. This fixes a black screen problem that some XP users possibly encountered.
      • VC-1 and WMV decoding via DXVA2 is now specifically disabled with Intel GPUs in LAV Video. Latest Intel drivers contain the component which is used for this, but its usage leads to either a broken image or plain crashes.


Скачать набор кодеков CCCP 2013-11-27 Final (9,73 МБ):

aks85 28/11/13 Просмотров: 4942