Портативный софт, Данные и диски

TreeSize Professional + Portable

Portable от PortableAppZ

TreeSize Professional показывает дерево находящихся на жестком диске директорий вместе с их размерами, позволяя, при необходимости, распечатать результат. Интегрируется в Проводник Windows, добавляя новую колонку. Программа выдает информацию о количестве файлов в папке, дате последнего доступа, владельце файла и многое другое. Кроме этого, выводит данные в наглядном графическом виде (диаграмма), имеет встроенную систему поиска и экспорт / импорт результатов в XML-файл. Также позволяет вам искать старые, большие, временные и пустые файлы. Поддерживает режим командной строки - это удобно для планирования и ночных запусков. Предусмотрено создание плановой задачи проверки, настройка ее для проверки по некоторому пути и формирование набора отчетов в соответствии со стандартным расписанием.

TreeSize Professional 6

Основные возможности:

  • Визуальное отслеживание использования жестких дисков и просмотр размера всех папок и файлов
  • Печать отчета в Excel, HTML, XML, текстовом файле и т.д.
  • Полностью настраиваемый поиск файлов для поиска и архивации больших, старых, неиспользуемых и временных файлов
  • Поиск на нескольких дисках и целых серверах
  • Поиск дупликатов файлов, в дополнении, с проверкой MD5 хеш-суммы
  • Статистика о типах файлов и владельцев файлов на уровне директории
  • Возможность сохранения данных в XML файл для загрузки позднее
  • Поддержка имен в Юникоде для файлов и папок
  • Расширение для проводника Windows
  • Просмотр результатов во время сканирования
  • Включение и исключение определенных файлов и папок во время сканирования
  • Печать содержимого директории
  • Поддержка контекстного меню проводника внутри окна программы
TreeSize Professional

ОС: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP или Windows Server 2012/2008/2003 (32 или 64-бит).

Что нового в версии 6.0:
  • Faster scans: The well-proven and extremely fast search technology of UltraSearch working directly on the NTFS file system structures has been incorporated to increase the performance of TreeSize Professional scans and searches on local drives.
  • 64 Bit: TreeSize is now available as native 64 bit application (Professional Edition only). When scanning very large file servers memory will no longer pose a restriction.
  • A new option allows making folders and [Files] items expandable and show single files in the directory tree.
  • New license keys will be issued for V6. Please note: The old license keys for V5 provided on the license documents will not be valid for V6. The new license keys can be obtained in our customer area.

Comparing / Trend Analysis

  • Compare using historic snapshots: TreeSize Professional now facilitates comparing the current state of your local disk space with previous points in time using snapshots. No files need to be exported, even pre-existing snapshots that have been created by the system before TreeSize Professional was installed can be used for comparison. Additionally, TreeSize Professional offers an option to create a snapshot ("Tools > Create Snapshot").
  • Toggle between size growth and current size: After performing a compare using an exported XML file or a snapshot you can now toggle between a comparison mode showing the size changes in all controls, and the mode showing the current values. In addition you can enable new columns ("Growth" and "% Growth") presenting the size increases and decreases in any of these modes on the "Details" tab. Those columns are not activated by default, but can be enabled using the context menu of the "Details" list header.

User Interface

  • On Windows Vista / Server 2008 and higher, a ribbon-style user interface is now used. We decided to use the Windows Ribbon Framework to create the new user interface for TreeSize Professional. The Windows Ribbon Framework is part of the operating system in Windows Vista and later and so ensures optimal support and integration also in future Windows versions. It is also used by MS Paint, MS WordPad, MS Movie Maker and the Windows 8 Explorer. On Windows XP/2003 you will still see the classic user interface with a main menu bar.
  • The "Options" dialog has been redesigned. Several new options especially for exporting have been added (see next section). A new checkbox "Expert mode" allows activating a mode that shows additional options that can be useful for experienced users.
  • The include/exclude filter in the "Options" dialog has been revised. It offers matching by regular expression, exact match, filtering by owner and offers a preview of the impact of a filter in an Explorer-like view.
  • Support for Windows Vista/7 style drag icons and drag hints has been added.
  • You can now search the directory tree for a specific file or folder ("Scan > Directory Tree > Find" / Shift+Ctrl+F).
  • The number of errors that occurred during a scan (e.g. access denied errors) is now shown in the status bar. Clicking it opens a dialog with detailed information regarding the errors.

Export Features

  • The HTML export has been revised: When JavaScript is enabled, you will now see a dynamic view which allows expanding and collapsing each level of the folder structure. Subfolders are now properly indented. Folders are formatted as hyperlinks; clicking on them will open the folder.
  • Email: Besides sending emails using your MAPI client it is now possible to send them through STMP as well. This is useful when sending emails from within scheduled tasks. The STMP setting can be configured at: "Tools > Options > Export > Email > Transport"
  • You can now choose whether file information for single files should be included in Excel, HTML, Text and Printed export ("Tools > Options > Export > Exported elements").
  • You can now choose whether an Excel export of the directory tree should support expandable / collapsible levels ("Tools > Options > Export > Excel > Expert Mode > Formatting").
  • The type of information exported to an XML file can now be configured.
  • The Personal Edition now supports the same export features (Excel, HTML, and Text files) as the Professional Edition.

File Search

  • Custom Search: The pattern editor of the custom file search has been revised. It now supports regular expressions and also allows users to search in the file content.
  • Custom Search: You can now search for both files and folders at the same time (tab "Size / Attributes").
  • Custom Search: You can now decide whether your search filters shall filter by the number of NTFS hardlinks of a file. The new options "Ignore NTFS Hardlinks" and "Minimum Number of Hardlinks" are located on the "Other filters" tab.
  • Duplicate Files: You can now define filters for the duplicate file search to include/exclude files whose file name, path or owner match certain patterns ("File Search > Duplicate Files > Filters"). Please note: Using a highly selective filter for the duplicate search will remarkably increase the performance of the search, since fewer files have to be compared.
  • Temporary Files: If all files contained in a directory are matching the temporary file search criteria, the result list will show only this directory on the first level. The directories identified as temporary can be expanded to show subfolders and files.
  • Move Checked Files: Added new option to create an undo-script for move and copy operations (section "Logging").
  • Move Checked Files: There is now an option to replace existing files instead of resolving the name conflict using an automatic renaming.
  • Move Checked Files: For move and copy operations you can now define the directory level that should be preserved from the source directory structure.
  • With the new function "Change File Owner" included in the right click menu of the search result list you can now easily set a new file owner for all selected files. This is very useful e.g. if you found a group of files with an invalid file owner.
  • You can now use wildcards when scanning servers using server names (e.g. \\serverA*\) or for scanning IPv4 class C nets (e.g. \\192.168.123.*).
  • The new columns "Allocated Space" and "Dir level" have been added to all search result lists. The new columns are deactivated by default but can be activated via the context menu of the result list header or through "View > Visible columns".
  • A new "master" checkbox for (un-)checking all objects in a result list has been added to the top left of the header line.
  • Internet Files: Added support for Google Chrome and enhanced support for latest versions of other browsers (IE, Firefox and Opera).

Drive List

  • The Drive List now shows the S.M.A.R.T. status of the listed drives (if accessible). Drives at risk can be identified quickly this way.
  • The Drive List can now also be exported to an Excel file, either using the right click menu or the command line option /EXPORTDRIVELIST.
  • The Drive List now has its own menu bar which contains commonly used actions such as mapping a network drive. The menu is shown as a Ribbon context tab, as soon as the Drive List has been clicked. (Windows Vista and higher only)
  • The Drive List now supports importing a list of paths from the clipboard using the right click menu. The menu item will only be shown if the clipboard contains a valid path.

Scheduled scans / Command Line Options (Professional Edition only)

  • The dialog to create and edit scheduled TreeSize tasks has been revised and new options have been added. For example, scans can now be scheduled not only daily and weekly but also monthly and you can force not to show the user interface. In addition you can now choose if exports should be appended to existing files, choose a column by which the exports should be sorted, and supply an XML file including the configuration for the scan. Find a detailed description of the new "Schedule Tasks" dialog, including all options here.
  • The new command line option /USERFILTER has been added: It allows predefining the user by which the directory tree is filtered.
  • The command line parameter /NOUNITS now also prevents thousands separators in exported values.
  • With the new command line switch /AGEOFFILES you can export a textual representation of the "Age of Files" statistics.
  • Added command line parameters /SHORTDATEFORMAT, /HIDESMALLFOLDERS and /SORTTYPE. See Command Line Options for details.

Minor changes and improvements

  • The path in which the history information is stored can now be adjusted. This allows sharing this file among several users / administrators.
  • The information on the history tab can now be exported or imported.
  • The new column "Link Target" has been added to the "Details" tab and all export options. Columns "User Comment" and "Title of Scan" have been removed. New columns are not activated by default, but can be enabled using the context menu of the list header or at "Tools > Options > Export".
  • The column "Permissions" now shows "full" instead of "+w+r+x" if a use has full access rights on a file or folder. This allows distinguishing if a user has just read/write privileges or full access to a folder (which includes changing security attributes and taking ownership).
  • After copying a file system object to the clipboard in the Windows Explorer using Ctrl+C, its full path will be pasted to the Folder dropdown box of TreeSize when pressing Ctrl+V.
  • When scanning an entire server using \\ServerName you no longer need to enable the virtual root folder to group the shares under a common folder.
  • Numerous further improvements have been incorporated.

Bug fixes

  • Bug fix: "File > Export > Send by Email" now works under Windows Vista/7 even if TreeSize was started as administrator and MS Outlook is the default email client.
  • Bug fix: On some Windows Vista based systems TreeSize got into a not responding state when getting back from screensaver.
  • Bug fix: An occasional problem with corrupt Excel exports in XLSX-format has been solved.
  • Several minor bug fixes have been incorporated.


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