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Zan Image Printer 5.0.14

Zan Image Printer — виртуальный драйвер принтера, который позволяет преобразовать любые данные, которые отправляются на печать в изображения в формате BMP, JPEG или TIFF. Перед "печатью" можно задавать разрешение выходного изображения, а также настраивать параметры выходного файла (количество цветов, степень сжатия и т.д.).

Key features of Zan Image Printer include:

  • Print to Image - convert any document to a PDF file for easy sharing, a TIFF file for easy faxing, or any other image format (BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, and PNG).
  • Print to Email - Email the printout completely automatically after the image is created. This saves you many steps including having to first print/save, remembering where you saved the files, entering, and sending the Email. You can also use your Outlook address book to look up and select Email addresses.
  • Print to Text - extract text from printable document.
  • Printer Redirection - redirect the print job to physical printers after the image is generated.
  • Watermark / Text Annotation - watermark an image with a text string, a BMP image, or both.
  • Image Processing - trim, crop, scale, invert, rotate, and flip images after they are generated.
  • Macros - dynamic file and folder generation based on macros.
  • FTP - upload generated files to an FTP server.
  • Support for multiple printer instances, each with its own group of settings.
  • Runs on Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Windows 7 (including x64, Terminal Server, and Citrix Metaframe).
  • Ability to append different types of documents to PDF and TIFF files.
  • Options to suppress the display of all dialogs allowing the printer to run unattended, without any input from the user.
  • Option to hide the user interface tabs during operation to prevent misuse of the program.
  • Support for TIFF Class F facsimile.
  • Support for Cisco TIFF fax format for use with Cisco fax-enabled routers/gateways like the 3660 router.
  • Run user-specified applications after printing finishes.
  • History folder and file name database to quickly access recently-used folders and files.
  • Informative transparent status dialog.
  • Batch printing and conversion without user intervention (silent printing).
  • Command line interface to all settings and many extra valued-added commands (batch printing, watched folder printing, Email sending, add/clone/edit/delete/backup/restore a printer, etc).
  • Setup can be easily customized and pre-configured to meet your unique needs.
  • Ability to generate a detailed debug log file for troubleshooting issues you might have in execution and use of Zan Image Printer.
  • And much more! Read on for full details.

What's New in This Release:

  • Added the [%emailprinter] macro. Like the [%email] macro, the [%emailprinter] macro also allows Zan Image Printer to extract the Email address dynamically from the document being printed, except that when Email sending has failed due to errors (for example, the document being printed may have a missing or improper Email address), Zan Image Printer will redirect the job to the selected printers. This is useful when you do not want to redirect every job to a secondary printer and would like to redirect only the documents that could not be Emailed.
  • You can now supply the [%emailstatus] macro as a parameter to the application or use it within the sentinel template. This allows you to track when Zan Image Printer was unable to send an Email.
  • Enhanced the "Number of copies" handling when redirecting jobs to secondary printers. The "Number of copies" setting on the Print dialog is now honored and takes precedence. If the "Number of copies" setting is greater than 1 on the Print dialog, Zan Image Printer will use it as the number of copies when redirecting the job. Otherwise, the "Number of copies" setting on the Zan Image Printer's Printer Redirection tab is used.


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Bukkollaider 19/06/11 Просмотров: 2243